Ring Size Measurement with Printable Size Chart

If you are looking to measure the size of a ring quickly, our printable ring sizer is the perfect tool to help you. Simply print the guide and place an existing ring on the circles, matching the inside of the ring with the circle that closely matches in size. If the ring is between two circles, choose the larger size.

Our printable size guide also includes a table with precise diameters and corresponding ring sizes, as well as international ring sizes. With our online ring sizer, you'll quickly find the right size.

Refer to our free printable guide to see the US ring size chart, as well as tables for men's and women's ring sizes in Europe, the UK, Japan, Hong Kong, and Switzerland. With a quick printable chart for the most popular sizing systems, it’s easy to find the perfect fit from our wide range of high-quality rings.

Average Ring Sizes for Women and Men

The average ring size for women ranges from size 3 to 9. The most popular women's rings are between sizes 5 and 7. The average ring size for men ranges from size 6 to 13. The most popular men's rings are between sizes 8 and 10-½.

These standard ring sizes can help guide you in the right direction. If you don’t see the size you need, contact our experts for assistance with ordering a custom size. There are also various ways at home to find your size.

How to Measure Your Ring Size with String, Paper, and a Ruler

If you are wondering how to measure your ring size at home, there are creative steps you can follow to find the right fit. When buying for someone else, the best way to find their size is to ask them directly. If you’re planning a surprise, ask friends and family for help. They can inquire without raising suspicion. You can also use our printable sizer to measure their existing rings and find their size.

There are also several ways at home to find your ring size or the size of a gift. These methods require a few simple tools, such as a piece of string, a ruler, a pen, and a piece of paper. The home measurement method may also involve a quick calculation to find the numerical size.

Measure Your Ring Size with These Steps:

  1. Wrap string or paper around the base of your finger.
  2. Mark the point where the ends meet with a pen.
  3. Measure the string or paper with a ruler (in millimeters) and then divide by 3.14 (or Pi) to find the diameter of the ring.
  4. Select the closest measurement from the ring size chart to find your size.

Additional Ring Size Tips

  1. Measure the interior of another ring that fits you using a tape measure and our printable sizer.
  2. The ring should fit comfortably: tight enough not to fall off, but loose enough to slide over your knuckle with relative ease.
  3. When the finger has a larger knuckle than the base, measure both points and choose a size between the two.
  4. Measure your ring size at the end of the day when your fingers are warm. Finger size changes throughout the day and with the weather, and your fingers are actually smaller early in the morning and in cold weather. Also, keep in mind that fingers on your dominant hand are usually larger.
  5. Measure 3 to 4 times for greater accuracy.

International Ring Size Chart

Diameter (mm) - Ring Sizes
Diameter (mm) US & Canada Europe UK & Australia Singapore & Japan Hong Kong Switzerland
14.1344F 1/2464
14.345G55 1/4
14.53.5G 1/27
14.746H66 1/2
14.9447H 1/278
15.1I7 3/4
15.34.548I 1/289
15.7549J 1/29
16.15.5K 1/210
16.351L11 3/4
16.5652L 1/2111212
16.753M12 1/2
16.96.554M 1/213
17.155N13 1/4
17.3756N 1/2121414
17.5O14 3/4
17.77.557O 1/215
17.958P15 1/4
18.1859P 1/21316
18.360Q16 3/4
18.58.5Q 1/21717 1/4
18.9962R 1/21818
19.163S18 3/4
19.39.5S 1/219
19.564T19 1/4
19.71065T 1/21420
20.110.5U 1/221
20.51168V 1/221 3/4
20.7W22 1/4
20.911.569W 1/2152322 3/4
21.31271X 1/224
21.712.573Y 1/224 1/4